TRANSFORMATION OF HOMELESS: We made one woman happy for the 8th of March, take a look! (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

- Is this me? Oh my God... I feel like a true woman -  said Mira, while she touched her cheekbones. She spends her days at the shelter in Kumodraska street because she has got no place to live

People say that the happiness can be found in small things. Although this probably cannot be applied to all, we were convinced in this saying's truth when we tried to make one homeless woman happy at least for the moment. Her name is Mira Vujovic and she currently lives in the shelter in Kumodraska street.

In spite of all she is going through, Mira is one true lady.

It all started with one phone call to the 'Usce' shopping center which provided a bunch of free treatments for ladies at the 8th of March - from make up to and blow drys to free medical examinations. As soon as they heard what it was about, they happily accepted the idea.

We headed straight for Kumodraska street.

Mira waited us at the door. The shine in her eyes was unbelievable - she said.

- I cannot believe that you chose me - she said excitedly. The happiness could already be heard in her voice.

While we were heading back to 'Usce', she was constantly thanking us and saying how she cannot believe that this is actually happening.

Upon entering, Mira sat to have her make-up done.

She smiled, closed her eyes and the transforming began.

- I am afraid to look before they finish - she whispered.

Vigorous make-up artist layered the powder, eye shadow, lipstick... Mira would occasionally glance to the mirror but then quickly close her eyes. She was happy like a child.

When the make-up was done, she was speechless.

- Is this me? Oh my god... I feel like a true woman - she said while she touched her cheekbones. The next was the haircut.

- I really love my hair. Since I let it grow, guys have started to notice me - she said shyly.

The hairdresser made her some nice curls, while she followed his every move. She never stopped smiling and she was constantly thanking everyone.

As the treatment was nearing its end, Mira started to tell us about her life and all that happened to her. This unbelieveable sixty year-old, now homeless, visits the shelter often.

She said that the life can be hard and she never knew what tomorrow may bring but she stayed an optimist.

- Everything has its reason. Nevertheless, I am sure that things are going to be better. Take today for example, I am pretty and I haven't felt like this in a very long time. I could never have thought something like this would happen - Mira told us.

The haircut was over and Mira was exhilarated. She couldn't wait to go back and shine at the dinner.

When we had returned, she gave us a firm hug and thanked us for the hundredth time.

All in all, I was sure once again that it takes so little to make someone happy. Small for us maybe, but can mean everything for someone else.

(Dunja Čavić)