Aggressive driver films himself speeding at 200 kmph, overtaking and driving in wrong lane

The man behind the wheel overtakes trucks and other vehicles at such high speed, and when left alone on the road, doesn't return to his lane

The trend of aggressive driving and of filming it is not letting up. Recently a video showing a man in Serbia driving at 200 kilometers per hour appeared on the internet, once again infuriating many people.

The driver turned up the volume on his radio, blasting a song by folk singer Dzej Ramadanovskim as he gradually increased speed, and filming the whole thing as the speedometer's needle slowly exceeds 170 kmph.

The man behind the wheel overtakes trucks and other vehicles at such high speed, and when left alone on the road, doesn't return to his lane.

He continues recording even when he exceeds 170 kmph and then starts laughing and singing, accelerating even further.

At one point, the car reaches the speed of 200 kmph, which was probably the driver's goal.

See what this dangerous ride looked like in the video at the top of the page.
