These are places in Belgrade where lightning strikes first: How to protect yourself in a big storm?

A meteorologist advises how to stay safe

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After yesterday's storm that hit the capital of Serbia in the afternoon, Belgrade was literally left under water.

Since a storm of similar intensity has been announced for today, it is important to know how to protect ourselves if we find ourselves on the street at that very moment.

Meteorologist Djordje Djuric recently spoke for Telegraf"and advised us to look for protection and safe shelter first.

"Since there was flooding, in those situations you should look for an elevation and be careful because torrents can occur there as well. If this happens in combination with thunder, we must never be near a water surface or under a lonely tree. It is always better to be somewhere where there is a canopy of trees rather than a single tree," warns Djuric.

When it comes to lightning protection in urban areas, the possibility of lightning strikes is reduced due to nearby lightning rods, and is likewise increased in rural areas for the same reason. In Belgrade, you should be most careful in Ada Ciganlija, Kostunjak and along the rivers.

Here's a few tips on how to protect yourself in a thunderstorm:

  • Stay away from electrical appliances and sockets as lightning is also transmitted through wiring
  • The most common lightning strikes are in high-lying and isolated places because lightning always seeks the highest point

    Therefore, if you estimate that you are the highest point in sight, it is advisable to lie on the ground or squat

  • Gather your legs and stay away from sockets
  • Get in the car
  • Avoid umbrellas with a metal tip because they particularly attract lightning
  • Disconnect technical devices from electricity because they can be damaged
Video: Horrific lightning shakes the whole street

(Tara Tomovic/
