Dr. Kon reveals if vaccinated people will be separated in public transport from those who are not

He also revealed which measures can be relaxed first

Photo: ATA images

Predrag Kon, an epidemiologist and a member of the Crisis HQ for the fight against coronavirus, said this morning that we need to vaccinate a million and a half people in order to avoid another wave like the one we had. He said that we should wait with the easing of measures, but that the criteria for extending opening hours will be less strict compared to the criteria regarding gatherings.

Since wearing masks in public transport is mandatory, he was asked how those who have been vaccinated and those who have not will be separated there. He replied that it is a matter for the whole society, and that it will probably be done by controllers.

Dr. Kon told TV Prva that he was satisfied with the beginning of the vaccination and that this should continue in order to lower the level of the virus.

He reiterated that all those who are vaccinated should wear masks. He could not say when the presence of the virus would drop, because a new strain has emerged.

"The new mutation increases the possibility of easier transmission. There is no information that it causes a more severe form of the disease, but that also happens in individual cases," said Dr. Kon.

Asked how people who do not wear a mask in public transport and have already been vaccinated will be controlled, he said that someone else will have to answer that question.

"This will probably be done by some new controllers," said Dr. Kon,

As for travel, he said that everyone who gets vaccinated receives a certificate with the logo of the institution where they received the vaccine.

"The question is how it will be solved internationally. For now, it's an individual decision of each country. That, as well as city transport, are issues for the whole society and are no longer related to the medical part. It's clear that it's very safe to be among the vaccinated, but who will control it, that's a big job," said Dr. Kon.

He says that the curve did not start to decrease, but that the number increased somewhat, although not extremely.

"But, given the presence of a new strain of the virus, we must be very careful. The potential of the new virus surprised many in Europe, I would not like it to surprise us, that is why I wear a mask. It does not differ much, it does not differ much in testing, the same test is used," said Dr. Kon.

Asked when the measures will be relaxed, he said that some criteria have been given, but that there is no need to talk about the easing protective measures until mid-February.

"It looks like I was right. I am still very skeptical. There is no drop. Last week we had 2,000 new infections in one day. When we had a three-digit number, that was a lot. When it comes to extending opening hours, that criterion will be milder, and when it comes to public gatherings, that criterion will be even stricter," said Dr. Kon.

Video: Disinfection dispensers in all public transport vehicles in Belgrade
