Horror in Belgrade: Teenager reports designer Kostic for locking him in pantry and threatening to kill him

Kostic will be kept in police custody, after which he will be brought before the prosecutor

Photo: ATA Images

S.H. (19), known by his artistic nickname Emis Emil, has reported to the police that our well-known fashion designer Darko Kostic was holding him hostage in his apartment.

The report said that the designer kept him locked in a pantry and threatened to kill him.

As Telegraf.rs has learned, the police received a call from a friend of S.H. who claimed that Darko Kostic kept his friend in the pantry and threatened to kill him. According to our information, the young man was told to go to the police station, while Darko Kostic was detained by the police for endangering safety and unlawful deprivation of liberty.

S.H. allegedly took advantage of the designer's negligence and left the apartment.

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