Hoxhaj: Kosovo should become part of the Open Balkan initiative

Hoxhaj told RTK that Kosovo should participate in regional organizations or initiatives

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Vice President of the Assembly of Kosovo Enver Hoxhaj said today that Kosovo should become part of the Open Balkan initiative and assessed that it will in this way increase cooperation with the countries of the region, the Kosovo Online portal reported.

Hoxhaj told RTK that Kosovo should participate in regional organizations or initiatives, seeking the support of states to become part of Partnership for Peace, the Council of Europe and NATO.

"While I was foreign minister, we followed the approach that allowed Kosovo to be part of every organization, in every regional initiative. Open Balkan is not even an organization, it is an informal group of states, like G7 or G20," said Hoxhaj.

According to him, "you cannot say no to an informal initiative for cooperation in the region and then ask partners from different countries to support you, either in Strasbourg or in Brussels."

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti refuses to let Kosovo become part of that initiative until Serbia recognizes Kosovo.
