President Vucic and Quint countries ambassadors met in Belgrade

The meeting took place in the building of the General Secretariat of the president of the Republic

Photo: ATA Images

President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic met today with the ambassadors of the Quint countries - the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany, as well as the head of the Delegation of the European Union.

The meeting took place this morning in the building of the General Secretariat of the president of the Republic.

"Serious and fundamentally important for Serbia talks with the Quint and EU ambassadors," Vucic wrote on the Instagram account "buducnostsrbijeav."

"Despite all the challenges, we continue to conduct a responsible policy that preserves peace and national interests of our country, to protect the freedom-loving spirit and independence of Serbia, and we always tell the truth to everyone," wrote Vucic.

The meeting was also attended by the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic.
