Brnabic after Serb youths got shot in Kosovo: We will ask for additional guarantees for Serbs

"We will ask for additional guarantees for Serbs because these are not the conditions in which anyone in Europe should live in the 21st century"

Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabic said on Sunday, regarding KFOR's negative response to Serbia's request that members of the Serbian Army and police return to Kosovo and Metohija, that "what KFOR says is one thing, and what the reality is is another, and the reality is that Serbs are not safe in Kosovo and Metohija."

"We will ask for additional guarantees for Serbs because these are not the conditions in which anyone in Europe should live in the 21st century," Brnabic told Tanjug.

She added that she will continue to insist on respecting all previous agreements reached in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and expects that the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) will be the focus of the meetings expected during the next week.

As for KFOR's negative response to Belgrade's request, the prime minister of Serbia assessed that two things speak to the character of that response - "firstly, it was sent on (Orthodox) Christmas Eve, and secondly, immediately before that response, an attack on a boy and a young man of Serb ethnicity took place in Strpce."

She recalled that this attack is only the latest in a series of incidents, and that this series currently includes over 300 attacks on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija during the last two years, for which no one has been held accountable.

"And then we hear that someone looks after the Serbs in the province and the only help that is not needed is the support of the Serbian security forces. The support of the Albanian and American and German and Dutch security forces and all others is welcome - but the Serbian support is not. That makes no sense to me," Brnabic said and noted that KFOR's decision is contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

She added that this Resolution still exists, that no one can escape from it, even those who violate it. The prime minister stressed that all those who recognized the unilaterally declared independence of so-called Kosovo have violated that Resolution, and are very well aware of that.
