Yettel growth of customer base and revenue in 2022

Our goal is one million recycled devices by the year 2025

Foto: Promo/ Braca Nadazdic

Yettel customer base has grown by two percent compared to the previous year. According to RATEL, the company is a leading mobile service operator when it comes to market share in revenue, with 36.85 percent in 2021. Yettel Every Day and Yettel Friday have more than half a million users, while the Yettel Application has 1.3 million unique monthly users, with a three percent annual growth.

-After almost a year, we see that the customers love Yettel, maybe even more than the previous brand. We have justified the trust they have in us, which is also shown by the growth of the customer base by two percent compared to last year, while our share in the number of customers is 33 percent - said Mike Michel, CEO of Yettel.

At the end of 2021, the company launched Hipernet, a complete portfolio of household services, making it one of two operators on the market with a comprehensive offer of fixed and mobile telephony, home internet and TV. After one year, Hipernet has almost 50 thousand customers, as well as a team of 600 people working on its development and implementation.

In 2022, the PPF Group has invested over EUR 70 mn through Yettel and CETIN, and is planning to invest even more in 2023, as indicated by the projects that are expected in the coming period.

Together with its customers, Yettel has recycled over 350 thousand devices or 27 tons of electronic waste. Our goal is one million recycled devices by the year 2025. In 2022, the company has defined the ESG strategy at the level of the PPF Telekom Group, as well as a specific strategy for Serbia, that includes a series of targets related to the reduction of the impact on the environment and acceleration of technological progress.

In Serbia, one of Yettel targets is to collect and recycle 50 percent more electronic waste and reduce the use of paper and plastic by at least 20 percent by the year 2028.
