TRULY SERBIAN: Sausage made out of 28 pigs and 2 kilometers long has set the new Guinness record! (VIDEO)

The world's longest sausage that was made out of 28 pigs, each of 250 kg of weight were bought from Turija, Nadalj and Srbobran. After checking it out, it was available for purchase.

Serbians proved once again that they cannot fail when they set their minds on something. The solid proof is the last, 31st traditional sausage fest in Turija (Next to to Srbobran) where these professionals made the sausage 2 kilometers and 31 meters long!

This record beat the last year's one when the sausage was one meter shorter. This one entered the Guinness Book of Records. It has been stuffed for four days and it has been presented to public in the center of the village after it has been carefully packed in plastic and transported by tractor.

The world's longest sausage that was made out of 28 pigs, each of 250 kg of weight were bought from Turija, Nadalj and Srbobran. After checking it out, it was available for purchase.

The award winning sausage was sold in pieces, 500 dinars each.

No delegation from Guinness Records attended this year's presentation of the Turija's 'sausage fest'.
