"It won't be land of milk and honey - but pensions and wages will not go down in Serbia"

"We will try to go for an increase at the end of the year"

Photo: A. Nalbantjan, TV Pink

"Milk and honey won't flow, but we will be the best in Europe. There will be no cuts in pensions or wages in the public sector," he said.

If we manage to preserve stability, we will try to go for an increase at the end of the year, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told a TV Pink talk show.

According to him, coronavirus has also affected investments.

"We will hold on tight, we will have the money," he said. "But for someone to live the life of Riley overnight, that's an empty dream," he pointed out.

As he said, coronavirus has also affected investments.

He stressed that it will not be easy in economic terms, but that Serbia will survive this easier and better than others.

Vucic also announced a victory over coronavirus; but he also pointed out that "he can't wait to watch a match with Danilo and Vukan, cotinue with normal life." (i.e.,with his children)

Video: Vucic about the Paris dialogue: It is not realistic to accept ultimatums

(Telegraf Biznis)