Kon: One person can infect 15 while singing, virus will surely enter schools, zero cases unlikely

He said that the situation is stabilizing, but that it's far from allowing us to relax

Predrag Kon; Photo: Tanjug/Serbian Government/Slobodan Miljevic

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon says that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is still uncertain, because the virus is present and the population's sensitivity to it is great.

"The situation is more favorable than it had been, but it is unlikely that we will go down to zero. Belgrade had seven confirmed cases in one day, which is the least since June 1, when there were four new cases," Kon told TV Pink.

He said that the situation is stabilizing, but that it's far from allowing us to relax.

Speaking about organizing concerts, he said that it's one thing to sit down, listen to music and wear a mask, while those in attendance are maintaining their distance.

"When there is singing, the distance should be greater. When singing loudly with loud music, the virus is maintained in the air. In that case one person can infect 15 others," said Kon.

Speaking about the beginning of the school year and the fact that one student in a school tested positive for the virus, he said that the virus will certainly enter schools, that there is no mistake about that because no one has yet stopped the virus.

Kon said that the whole class and the teacher switched to online classes and that this would not have consequences for other students in the class, because the children wore masks and respected other protective measures.

"This has shown that the system works. Local public health institutes must participate more, and more energetically in everything. This is a situation that can be expected in any class," stated Kon.

He added that he is worried the most about high school students, who are not wearing masks.

"I contacted Minister Sarcevic. Youth should be understood, and we must work with those children," he stated.
