"We are at greatest peak, this week is crucial": 2 problematic things, "consequence of shopaholism"

We did not need Black Friday, because after it, for the first time, the share of women among the infected is almost 60 percent, explained the Vojvodina provincial secretary for health and a member of the Crisis HQ for the fight against coronavirus, Zoran Gojkovic

Photo: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

Provincial Secretary of Health and member of the Crisis HQ for the fight against coronavirus Zoran Gojkovic assessed that the situation with coronavirus is complex and serious, and says he expects that we are now at the greatest peak and that this week is crucial and decisive. He told TV Prva that now two things are problematic, reports Tanjug.

"The first is the natural course of the epidemic, because coronavirus behaves atypically compared to other respiratory viruses, and the second is that I am afraid for our elderly, because we don't need the virus to enter the elderly population and gerontological centers," said Gojkovic.

He added that we did not need Black Friday either, because after it, for the first time, the share of women among the infected is almost 60 percent. He assessed that this is the consequence of "shopaholism."

Gojkovic pointed out that we have reason to worry and that we should not end up in a situation where we have a break in the system at the peak of the epidemic. At the same time, the level of hospital capacity use is enormous, the clinical pictures of patients are difficult and they require serious supervision.

Speaking about vaccines, he pointed out that vaccines, in addition to antibiotics, are the greatest medical discoveries.

Serbia, said Gojkovic, has been negotiating with all vaccine manufacturers since the beginning, and we will have everything that is the best on the market.

"We will enable everyone to get vaccinated and get the vaccine that is the best on the market, regardless of where it comes from and whose it is. We invested a lot of money in medicines and we have all the medicines that exist in the world," Gojkovic stressed.

He said that our hospital capacities have been filled and that the Novi Sad Fair will be activated today, whose complete preparation will take about 48 hours.

All that is being done, he said, so that no one is left without help.

Dr. Ana Gligic, a virologist who was the head of the team fighting an outbreak of smallpox in 1972, pointed out for TV Prva that she hopes that we are at the top now and that in a few days the curve will start to fall.

As for the vaccine and resistance toward it among a number of people, she stressed that people should be explained that there is no conspiracy and that only a vaccine can help us permanently.

"Until we get the vaccines, we have to wear masks and keep physical distance," Dr. Gligic stressed.

She assessed as very good the announcement of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic that vaccines will be procured from several manufacturers. According to the doctor's assessment, that will help get more people vaccinated.

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