Dacic: Technical details of the inter-party dialogue by March 1

Dacic reiterated that nothing new had happened and that no agreement regarding the details had been reached yet

Photo: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

President of the Assembly of Serbia Ivica Dacic said on Friday that the details of the inter-party dialogue, such as its format, topic and dynamics of the talks, should be defined by March 1.

"The agreement is that technical teams will harmonize all those details by March 1, and after March 1, we will see what the dynamics of further work will be. That date, March 1, has not been confirmed yet, otherwise it is scheduled for a video conference between me as co-president and four co-presidents from the European Parliament, while the president of the EP Foreign Policy Committee David McAllister will also be present," Dacic told the Assembly before a meeting with the Association of Judges Of Serbia.

Dacic reiterated that nothing new had happened and that no agreement regarding the details had been reached yet.
