Vucic and Bahrain king's envoy agree on development of cooperation: We must increase trade

"We have launched an initiative to set up a joint cooperation committee, which will contribute to further development of our relations"

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday that it was agreed in talks with Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Bahrain king's national security adviser and envoy for humanitarian work and youth issues, to work on signing a comprehensive interstate agreement with the aim of developing cooperation in all areas.

After the meeting in Belgrade with the envoy of the king of Bahrain, Vucic expressed his gratitude that shortly after his visit to that country, a decision was made for a delegation of Bahrain to visit ours.

President Vucic was the first president of Serbia to pay an official visit to Bahrain last month, writes Tanjug.

During a joint press conference, Vucic said that Serbia and Bahrain, in the way of conducting a sovereign and independent policy, created trust as soon as after the first meeting in Manama.

"In addition to establishing trust and close cooperation, in order to be able to work on further development of the relationship, you must adopt certain acts. We agreed to go for acts avoiding double taxation, and for mutual promotion of investments. We strive to sign soon, during the upcoming visit of King Hamad, and maybe even before that, a comprehensive interstate agreement between Serbia and Bahrain, and thus show that we are committed to cooperation in all areas," he explained.

Vucic said that many areas where cooperation is possible were discovered during the talks. He stressed that a business forum would be held on Tuesday, and that talks would continue.

He expressed regret that the envoy of the king of Bahrain was spending only two days in Belgrade, but said that those two days would be used to present Serbia in the best way and offer Serbian hospitality, which, as he says, will hardly reach the kind of hospitality he encountered in Bahrain, which is hard to find in the modern world.

He said that they would discuss specific projects and the support that the two countries can provide to each other in international organizations and institutions.

"We must increase the modest trade numbers, and establish real cooperation. We have launched an initiative to set up a joint committee for cooperation, which will contribute to further development of our relations. It's important for us to try to find a way to cover joint costs in order to establish direct flights from Belgrade to Manama, because that would encourage many businesspeople, but also contribute to tourism," said Vucic.

He said that he can recommend a visit to the National Museum of Manama, adding that Manama is very beautiful.

He also invited citizens of Bahrain to visit Serbia and fall in love with it, and, as he said, build their second home in our country.

"As far as Serbia is concerned, you will have a sincere friend and a very loyal collaborator. Someone who will be taking care not only of her own interests, but also the interests of her friends," said Vucic, asking the sheik to convey his greetings of friendship to King Hamad, convinced that he will soon be able to host him in Serbia.

He also said he believes that together we will soon be able to defeat coronavirus through vaccination and serious organization.

Video: Vucic and Udovicic meet with Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa
