Unique case in Kragujevac: Sandra had Covid 3 times, is struggling with the virus for 9 months

"I don't know what to do, I'm locked down almost all the time. I lost my job when I first fell ill, I was not employed on a permanent basis," says this woman from Kragujevac

Illustration: Shutterstock

Kragujevac local Sandra Filipovic (38) is a unique case in her city - from November last year until this August, she got infected with coronavirus as many as three times.

According to the daily Novosti, Sandra contracted Covid for the first time last November, then was positive again in February. She received both doses of the vaccine in June, and a week ago, a PCR test showed a positive result once again.

"I don't know what to do, I'm locked down almost all the time. I lost my job when I first fell ill, I was not employed on a permanent basis. Since then, I can neither look for a job, nor get out of the vicious circle," she says.

The Clinical Center in Kragujevac says that this is the only such case in the city. Doctors assume that Sandra has very weak immunity and that she has most likely been positive all the time since November.

"Nobody told me that my immunity is weak. Before Covid, I didn't have any serious diseases. I never had surgery or received any treatment," she says.

No antibodies

Sandra claims that no control tests have been done for on her, even though her case is a kind of phenomenon. No one even invited her to do additional tests.

"I asked to be tested after two weeks, but I was told there was no need. The doctors are surprised that I don't have antibodies after everything that happened. I've never had severe symptoms, but each time I have to stay at home. I don't know what to do," says Sandra.

Her daughter also had Covid, while Sandra's husband, although he was with them every day, did not get infected.

"The hardest thing for me is that I can't see my mother. She is a diabetic, suffers from cancer and I must not risk infecting her. I know I have to help her, but I can't," says Sandra.

The example of this Kragujevac woman is not the only one. Several other similar cases of re-infection have been reported worldwide. Australian reporter Richard Wilkins was among those who also had fluctuating test results. He shared similar information on his Instagram, saying he was positive more than three times, even though he had no symptoms.

Video: Sekler: I dont know of a strain that bypasses the vaccine
