Neighbors have no good words about Goran, suspected of killing Djokics: "He couldn't take defeat"

Goran is suspected of intercepting his relatives in the night between September 26 and 27 while they were returning home from the village of Moravac to the town of Aleksinac

Photo: D.K., Facebook/Goran Dzonic

The arrest of Goran Dzonic from Moravac for the murder of his cousin (his aunt's son) Goran Djokic (57), his wife Gordana (56) and their daughter Lidija (25) was not a surprise for those who know him well.

Probably for that reason, almost no one in the village of Moravac last night wanted to comment on this event.

Neighbors of the suspected murderer of a family of three either avoided journalists or claimed that they had not even heard of his arrest. However, one man who knows him very well, decided to say what he knows about him. And he had no nice words ...

"His parents worked abroad, they retired there, there was always a lot of money in their house. Goran was spoiled, used to having money, and he ended up dealing with everything in life by using money. He always had the best motorcycles and cars. He could not take defeat, to be second in something... I think that is the reason why he did not like his cousin, who was becoming more and more wealthy," our interlocutor said.

He added that given his professional experience, he recognized the brutality in Goran that would lead to a horrific crime.

"His colleagues and friends considered him a very bad man, and so did I. He is short in stature but very awkward, grumpy and vindictive. He worked as a firefighter, and towards the end of his service he became the commander of the fire brigade in Aleksinac. Those qualities of his were especially manifested when he became a manager, his subordinates had a lot of problems with him. He retired as a disabled person, as far as I know, as a mentally ill person, but I don't think so, I think he managed to pull off some scam to get retired on those grounds," said our source.

Goran is suspected of intercepting his relatives in the night between September 26 and 27 while they were on their way home from the village of Moravac to the town of Aleksinac, and in an as yet unidentified way, leading them to a remote area called "Dudine Bare." There he killed all three of them, burned their bodies and then threw them into a pit. He drove their vehicle 12 kilometers farther to the bank of the South Morava River in the area of Tesica, and set the vehicle on fire. He is allegedly a suspect because stolen money and some items connecting him to the crime were found on the property owned by one of his sons.

On September 30, a Telegraf journalist spoke with his father, Gradan, who showed concern for the missing relatives, but said he hoped they had just been abducted. However, after the bodies of the Djokic family were found, journalists were no longer welcome in that house.

Video: Vulin: Suspect in the murder of the Djokic family has been detained
