Dr. Bekic: It is possible that "stealth" will hit Serbia, we shouldn't think we're near the epidemic's end

The director of the Savski Venac Belgrade Healthcare Center and the coordinator of the immunization process in Belgrade, Zoran Bekic, says that coronavirus has always shown that it is one step ahead, and that we should not get carried away by thinking we are at the very end of the pandemic

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The director of the Savski Venac Healthcare Center and the coordinator of the immunization process in Belgrade, Zoran Bekic, says that Serbia and the world are in the fifth wave of coronavirus, that it has always shown itself one step ahead and that we should not get carried away about being at the very end of the pandemic.

Both January and February have had huge numbers, he added.

"Coronavirus has now settled between 10,000 and 12,000 (new daily cases)," Bekic commented.

Bekic says that the "stealth" Omicron is spreading much faster than Omicron, and that it is possible that it will also "flood" Serbia, which means that he does not hope there will be a quick disappearance of the virus.

"For now, we have information that it is spreading much faster, and nothing more. It has just started, we don't know what the clinical picture is. We will have a large number of infected people," Bekic told TV Pink.

As he explained, the Covid system of the Healthcare Center in Savski Venac is the best organized. According to him, the wait times during the hardest part of the pandemic were about half an hour, and now that's about 15 minutes.

"For now, we are managing in dealing with a large number of citizens who come to us upset," says Bekic.

Bekic adds that there is a direct connection between the dead and the unvaccinated, and that currently the largest number is in Romania and Bulgaria, while Serbia is in the middle, per the number of deaths.

"Is the number of 10 and 12 thousand infected people small? We remember when we had about 8,000 in October and we were in shock. Now we have somewhat fewer, and they said that Omicron is easier, but we have a lot of deaths... In our country, it goes a different way," says Bekic and adds that young people are the most risky when it comes to infection:

"When the elderly get coronavirus, and have some comorbidities, they go to the hospital, and we have huge numbers there."

Speaking about the school break, Bekic says that the reduction of contacts among the youngest will improve the situation, meaning that it will certainly be a good move.

"In the last seven days, an average of about 3,000 vaccines have been administered, and vaccination is still slowed down," says Bekic.

He adds that Austria has introduced mandatory vaccination due to poor immunization.

"As if everyone thinks that children should not be immunized yet, and I don't know what these people are waiting for," says Bekic.

According to him, coronavirus always sends a message that we need to do something, and that is immunization, which is the only right path.

He adds that his personal position is that the vaccine should have been present to a large extent, because people's immunity weakens.

"I hope that this decision will be introduced very soon," says Bekic.
