Djokovic to be dropped by his main sponsor? Legendary tennis player to replace him

Novak is receiving new blows from sponsors

Photo: Tanjug/AP

Legendary US tennis player Venus Williams has become the face of Lacoste, which otherwise sponsors Novak Djokovic, and this contract could affect the brand's cooperation with the Serbian tennis player.

Namely, the Luzerner Zeitung reports about this, noting that the owner of the Lacoste brand Maus Freres Group is based in Geneva. They have a contract with Novak worth 9 million dollars a year, which has been extended until 2025.

Thus, the Swiss paper says that the whole situation with Novak and numerous articles about him not playing in Australia, not being vaccinated, and the chaos that ensued could influence the company from Geneva to turn to others.

One of them is Venus Williams, who was presented as a seven-time Grand Slam champion and the brand's new ambassador. The company states that she is a most successful womam who is also the greatest inspiration to many when it comes to sports.

With the question, "Will Williams replace Djokovic," the paper writes that the Serbian has already lost Peugeot as his sponsor, and that it remains to be seen whether this famous brand will pull something similar.

