Well known US broadcaster publishes a map on which Serbia borders Ukraine: Sets social networks "on fire"

The map, published on CNN, attracted a lot of attention on social networks

Photo: Shutterstock

For more than three weeks, the main news on all media outlets has been the conflicts in Ukraine. The situation in that country is monitored around the clock, and the media are racing to get the news in as quickly as possible and place it as well as they can.

Probably in that rush, someone at CNN allowed themselves a terrible gaffe, which is now "setting on fire" social networks.

Namely, someone at CNN confused Hungary and Serbia, and showed a map on which our country borders Ukraine.

After the image ended up on social media, comments started as well.

"Well, those are Americans... What did you expect?," users commented.

Others recalled some earlier CNN gaffes, and how US leaders referred to Ukrainians as "Iranians."

"They just don't care. It's for American audience. Does anyone care? Know? How many people will notice a thing?" another user wondered.

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