Time seems to be standing still on Jadovnik: On this magical mountain, everyone finds what they're looking for

Expansive meadows, mountain peaks, dense forests, lovely villages, medicinal herbs, delicious food and Sopotnica waterfalls are just some of the things can be found on the edge of the Pester Plateau

Photo: Ivan Strahinic

Jadovnik is located in the western part of Serbia, southeast of Prijepolje - a mountain that belongs to the Stari Vlah-Raska group of the Dinaric system.

Its highest peak Katunic is located at 1,734 meters above sea level and can be reached from all sides of the mountain, through pastures and fragrant flowering meadows, through dense beech forests full of mushrooms and unreally beautiful plateaus covered with lush soft grass.

Surrounded by the slopes of Kamena Gora, Pobijenik, Uvac and Zlatar, with Sopotnica at the foot, Jadovnik looks like a mountain where time is standing still.

Legend has it that at the foot of Jadovnik, precisely in the village that is more popular among tourists than the mountain itself, a man who "traveled the world" saw a girl who stole his heart at first sight. Fascinated by her beauty, he decided to propose to her, and then to build a house on the slopes of Jadovnik and stay there with his beloved for the rest of his life.

Hence the legend that everyone who is looking for something in life will find it on this "magical mountain."

If you are looking for a mountain whose peak you will reach relatively easily from March to November, Jadovnik is the one for you.

If, on the other hand, you like to climb peaks in winter, through snowdrifts, there is no better mountain than Jadovnik to satisfy that passion.

And for those who want to relax in old houses and enjoy real home-made food, Jadovnik is an ideal destination.

If, on the other hand, you like staying by the waterfall, Jadovnik will not disappoint you here either - visit Sopotnica.

It's only important that you know what you want - Jadovnik is here to turn dreams into reality.

Photo: Ivan Strahinic
