"Horror park" in Indjija: Ministry shuts down amusement park located on private plot of land

The decision made by the Ministry of Labor inspectors is to temporarily ban the work of the amusement park

Photo: ГрађанИН

The photos of the park, which looks like something out of a horror movie, but is actually located in the town of Indjija, started circulating on social networks, and the inspection of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans' and Social Affairs reacted to these scenes.

According to the portal 021.rs, the Ministry has banned the work of the amusement park in the center of Indjija, while many have commented that the park, although in this place in Serbia's Vojvodina province, looks like it it's located in the center of the ghost town Pripyat of the Chernobyl "fame."

A photo of the amusement park was shared on the Facebook page of the GradjanIN movement, along with the comment, "This is not a shot from a horror movie. This is an amusement park in the center of Indjija."

The Municipality of Indjija soon reacted, stating that no one had contacted them about where to set up the amusement park.

"Entertainment facilities are set on a private plot for which no permits are needed or required. The municipal inspection does not have the legal authority to ban work on a private plot that does not violate any communal ordinance or law," said the municipality, adding that they are doing everything to resolve the current situation and ensure safety of children and other visitors.

However, they also noted that "the use of children for political purposes in order to gain cheap political points represents the lowest impulse of individuals and groups that we as a society should be ashamed of."

Those that were called out here are the CitizenIN movement, which reacted to the municipality's statement by saying they did not even mention the authorities, but wondered whether it was normal for those who should be accountable to the citizens to see them as the enemy? Although the answer to that question did not arrive, what did arrive was the decision of the inspection of the Ministry of Labor, which temporarily banned the work of the amusement park.

"Institutions of the Municipality of Indjija reacted and reported the problem to competent state authorities, which went to the scene and made a conclusion to shut the park down. State institutions do their job, but they do not publish every move they make on social networks. Given the reaction of the public and the immoral use of children for political purposes by certain political actors, we inform the public that institutions are doing their job and they must know that the interest of citizens comes first," said in a statement the Municipality of Indjija.

The story about the amusement park continued, so the movement wondered how come that the park that has been coming to Indjija for many years, suddenly failed to get a permit for the location where they had been before and where, so far, there have been no problems?

"In the vast majority of cases, behind someone's crazy decisions at the expense of citizens hides someone's hunger for profit. We would like to hear from the people from the amusement park who directed them to the yard of a fur factory. We doubt that they would just break into someone's yard on their own," the movement concluded.
