Weather to be very warm today, warning has also been issued, this is when the temperature starts to drop

This weather is expected to last until Sunday, when a change will follow

Photo: Nikola Andjic

The Republic Hydrometeorological Institute (RHMZ) has issued an announcement about the upcoming very hot weather.

Such conditions are expected to last until Sunday.

"Today in all parts of Serbia, and still on Saturday in the south and east of the country, it will be very warm with the highest daily temperature ranging from 32 to 35 degrees Celsius. On Sunday, the temperature will drop," states the RHMZ website.

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There is also a warning posted on the site. This is about the water level on the Sava River, which is expected to be somewhat lower in parts of its course.

"On the Sava near Sremska Mitrovica and Sabac, water levels in the coming days will be around and slightly below lower navigation limits," they warned.

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