Watch video of incursion of Kosovo police in central Serbia

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Kosovo police officers chased a white van, then fled when they spotted Serbian police

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, told an unscheduled press conference late on Thursday that members of the Kosovo police had once again entered the territory of central Serbia.

Petkovic said that they were spotted 500 meters from the administrative line.

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that yesterday, a police officer from the Bujanovac police station in Breznica noticed a Kosovo police vehicle moving quickly from the direction of Karacevo towards the village of Breznica.

"Obviously, that vehicle was chasing a white van, and from that road in the direction of Breznica, that white van turned and went towards the village. At the crossroads, the Kosovo police Dacia stopped and a passenger, as there were two people in the car, got out and looked at the van that was driving away," said Petkovic.

As he said, when the police vehicle stopped, the Serbian police spotted them and headed in their direction.

"At that point, they noticed that the Serbian police had seen them, the passenger quickly got into the car and they set off towards Kosovo and Metohija, i.e. towards Karacevo," said Petkovic.

Petkovic said that the Kosovo police had no business in the territory of central Serbia, just as was the case on June 14 when they were found there carrying rifles.
