Vucic hosts Serb kids from region: "My only plea is, play, study, but also learn Cyrillic, we are one nation"

Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

Vucic has hosted Serb children from the region in the building of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic in Belgrade

Photo: Tanjug

On that occasion, the president addressed and welcomed them.

"Dear children, and dear teachers, thank you very much for being here. This is your home, you are not guests here," Vucic said at the beginning of his address.

"My only plea is for you to play, study, but also to learn, learn the Cyrillic script. We will look to help out and be with you. I see that you have visited a lot of places," Vucic said, then asked the children what they liked the most - the St. Sava Temple, the museums, Kalemegdan, or the Zoo...

The president called on the children to keep coming to Serbia, adding:

"We Serbs are one nation. The next time we meet in another place, let me go on a tour with you, explain how it used to be and that we have big dreams to make come true. I welcome you and I want to tell you that we love you very much," he said.

After the president, Tara Sekulic, a Serb girl from Croatia, addressed those attending, and at the very end, Vucic presented the children with gifts.

"In the past few days we enjoyed the Serbian capital and thank you for that. We feel that we are among our own and that means a lot to us. We would like to host you in the villages where we come from. Thank you Serbia for everything and welcome to us," said Tara.
