PM-designate Milos Vucevic reveals proposed composition of Serbia's new government

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 3 min.

A meeting of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has ended, Novosti is reporting

PM-designate Milos Vucevic; Photo: Tanjug/Marko Djokovic

Afterwards, SNS party leader and PM-designate Milos Vucevic, as well as the president of the National Assembly, Ana Brnabic, made statements.

"At the session, we made decisions regarding several topics, but the most important is certainly the issue of candidates (for ministers) in the new government. I am submitting a request to the president of the Assembly, Ms. Brnabic, to schedule a session of the Assembly of Serbia for tomorrow, May 1, where I will present the work plan of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in the next mandate and composition, and after that the (parliamentary) debate will begin," said Vucevic.

Vucevic then read the proposed next Government of the Republic of Serbia:

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister - Marko Djuric

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense - Bratislav Gasic

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance - Sinisa Mali

Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade - Tomislav Momirovic

Minister of Economy - Andrijana Mesarovic

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management - Aleksandar Martinovic

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Environmental Protection - Irena Vujovic

Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure - Goran Vesic

Minister of Mining and Energy - Dubravka Djedovic Handanovic

Minister of Justice - Maja Popovic

Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government - Jelena Kovacevic

Minister of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue - Tomislav Zigmanov

Minister of Internal Affairs - Ivica Dacic

Minister of Education - Slavica Djukic Dejanovic

Minister of Science and Innovation and Technological Development - Jelena Begovic

Minister of Health - Zlatibor Loncar

Minister of Labour, Veteran and Social Affairs - Nemanja Starovic

Minister if Family Welfare and Demography - Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski

Minister of Tourism and Youth - Husein Memic

Minister of Culture - Nikola Selakovic

Minister of Rural Welfare - Milan Krkobabic

Deputy Prime Minister - Aleksandar Vulin

Ministers without portfolio: Novica Toncev, Djordje Milicevic, Usame Zukorlic, Nenad Popovic, Tatjana Macura

Of the 31 ministers, eight are new, and three are back in the government after some time, said Vucevic.

"The candidate to form the provincial government (in Vojvodina) will be Maja Gojkovic," added Vucevic.

Vucevic also spoke about the upcoming (local) elections:

"I hope that the citizens will pay attention, as far as we are concerned, our candidates will lead such a campaign that our possible victory will not be our trophy, but our obligation. Politics is the duty of the elected to serve the citizens and I believe that we will be dedicated to our fellow citizens. We are building better roads, bridges, railways... Developed cities are a guarantee that salaries and pensions will increase. It's a new engine for the economic development of Serbia. We are glad because of the big political competition. The masks have been removed, election conditions are the same for you (everyone)."

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said last night that he expects that the future government of Serbia will be formed in two days and that it will have about 33 to 35 percent "completely" new members.

He added that there will be some persons in the government who previously did not serve as cabinet ministers, but are known, and there will also be those who did a good job in the previous period.

"I believe that they will be able to maintain the course of Serbia, which is an independent, sovereign, serious and responsible country, which protects its state and national interests and which will not quarrel with our traditional friends, but will cooperate with them in the best way," said Vucic.

Vucevic said earlier that the new government will be formed within the legal deadline, as well as that he will present the entire cabinet, and not talk about individuals.

The deadline for the Serbian National Assembly to elect the proposed new cabinet is May 6.

The coalition gathered around SNS won 1,783,701 votes or 46.75 percent in parliamentary elections held on December 17 of last year.

18 electoral lists participated, and 10 of them won seats in the parliament (National Assembly).

Out of a total of 250 seats, the list "Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia Must not Stop" won 129.

Ana Brnabic, who had been prime minister since June 29, 2017, became the president of the National Assembly earlier in the year.
