THESE SCENES WILL BE REMEMBERED BY SERBIANS AS LONG AS THEY LIVE: An Albanian tearing down the cross on an Orthodox church and then burning it! (VIDEO)

In an ethnic violence that occurred between 17th and 18 th of March, twelve Serbians were murdered and 170 were seriously injured, 150 of them were clubbed and beaten in their homes while 20 were attacked on the roads

Today is the 11th anniversary of the pogrom in March in which over 50.000 Albanians, lead by armed extremists, well organised and prepared, expelled over 4.000 Serbians.

All that you need to know about old Serbian taverns and songs

In an ethnic violence between 17th and 18th of March, 15 Albanians and 12 Serbians were killed. 170 Serbians were seriously injured, 150 were clubbed and neaten in their homes, 20 of them on the roads.

Around 800 Serbian, Ashkali, and two Albanian homes were completely destroyed or damaged. 36 orthodox churches were completely desecrated, demolished and burned.

THE WORLD TREMBLED FROM HIS SWORD: This man killed Japanese samurai in an epic battle! (VIDEO)

According to the UN data, 954 people were hurt, among them 65 police officers, 58 members of Kosovo police and 61 members of international peace corps.