WE WERE AMONG THE FLAMES: Confessions of a brave fireman who risked his life in Kosovska Street!

The brave firefighter held his colleague, who was standing on the ledge of the outer side, putting out the fire in Kosovska Street by the thigh the entire time

Foto: Tanjug/Oksana Toskić

Slobodan Kotur (40), the firefighter of the first troop of the battalion of Zvezdara said that the fire in Kosovska Street was one of the most difficult interventions.

On Wednesday he participated in the dramatic action of putting out a fire on the roof of the building in Kosovska Street in Belgrade.

PANIC IN KOSOVSKA STREET: Fire spreads to surrounding buildings, collapsing part of the roof! ( PHOTO )

- Fear helps us be more careful. The real heroes are in fact the wives and children of firefighters because adrenaline keeps use alive when we are in the fire.  When we arrived, the flames had already engulfed two rooms. The attic was on fire and the roof began to fall - tells the brave firefighter and explains that he held onto his colleague's, Dragan's thigh the time while he was standing on the ledge and extinguishing the fire from the outside.

This brave man said that while he held his colleague, around them were many flames and there was a danger that the roof would come crashing down on all the colleagues who were inside.

- I have to admit that I was more afraid for my colleague, than for myself. All of us are much more than colleagues when we are on the job because we're going back to where everyone is running from - says Kotur.

HE WENT OUT FOR A WALK, AND HIS APARTMENT BURNED DOWN: A fire destroyed a man's 300 square meter home!

Slobodan is married and has four young children. Peter, the youngest member is two and a half years old. His wife is an engineer and works at the Republic Seismological Bureau.

- We are a family of disaster - says the firefighter with a smile, who has been working this job for 12 years and says he would not do anything else.
