Latest data: Serbia has 6,318 confirmed coronavirus cases, and 122 deaths

At 3 pm on Sunday, the latest data on coronavirus patients and deceased people was published

The death toll graph in Serbia from March 20 until April 19; mortality rate currently at 1.93%; total of 122 victims; Illustration: Nikola Jovanovic

Covid-19 has claimed 5 more lives over the past 24 hours, so the total number of deaths since the start of the epidemic is 122. The mortality rate now stand at 1.93 percent.

In the last 24 hours, the virus has been confirmed in another 324 people, bringing the total of  those infected to 6,318

3,900 people are currently hospitalized.

There are a total of 120 patients on ventilators. By 3 pm today in the Republic of Serbia, a total of 38,701 persons have been tested who met the criteria of a case definition. In the last 24 hours, 2,673 patients have been tested.

The total number of cured patients is now 753.

You can track information about coronavirus form all over the world on this page (in Serbian):

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