In last 24 hours 8 patients died from coronavirus in Serbia, 205 are on ventilators, 426 new cases

This is the latest cross-section of the situation

A graph showing the number of coronavirus cases in Serbia from March 6 until July 22; Illustration: Nikola Jovanovic

Coronavirus has been confirmed in 426 more people over the last 24 hours - by 3 pm on July 22, while 8 more patients have died as a result of this disease.

Today we have the largest number of newly tested people, as many as 11,521!

The total death toll is 499.

There are 205 patients on ventilators.

The total number of hospitalized persons is 4,619.

In the day behind us, 11,521 people have been tested, while since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 580,271 have been tested.

Take a look at a mistake Serbians make while wearing masks, which could lead to coronavirus infection:

