No new round of high-level dialogue: Only Belgrade representatives to be in Brussels on Monday?

A Serbian delegation is traveling to Brussels on Monday for technical level talks about the return of Serb property in Kosovo and Metohija - said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija

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A new round of high-level dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will not be held in Brussels next week, although that was planned, and as Marko Djuric, director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, announced last night, the Serbian delegation will travel to Brussels on Monday for technical talks about reinstating Serb-owned property in Kosovo and Metohija.

"It's now necessary and crucial for the future of the dialogue for Pristina to prove in action its readiness to work on the implementation of the ZSO (Community of Serb Municipalities), and we will insist on that in every meeting, at every level, including the one on Monday," said Djuric.

Earlier, Prime Minister of the Provisional Institutions in Kosovo and Metohija Avdullah Hoti said that he did not know whether there would be a meeting on Monday, "since Serbia demanded that Kosovo expresses its readiness to implement the agreement on establishing the ZSO" - while as far as Kosovo is concerned that topic was closed with the 2013 agreement.

During the previous expert level round, on September 17, representatives of Pristina were against considring the issue of the ZSO, while they were told from Brussels that they are under obligation to implement the agreement about the Community, to which they committed in 2013 as an "international obligation."

Video: We insisted on the Community of Serb Municipalities, which met with opposition from Pristina representatives
