Inmates in Sremska Mitrovica make protective masks for Turin Fashion Week

In Sremska Mitrovica, 30 inmates who previously underwent certified training currently have jobs

Photo: Administration for the Execution of Penitentiary Sanctions

Inmates in the Sremska Mitrovica Prison (KPZ) have designed and made multi-use protective masks that will be presented at the Turin Fashion Week, taking place October 3-9.

Representatives of the fashion industry from all over the world will be able to see 26 masks that had been sewn by inmates in the tailoring shop of this institution. The Fashion Week is organized without the presence of an audience this year in order to stop the spread of coronavirus, and the show will be available online.

The tailoring plant in the KPZ in Sremska Mitrovica employs 30 inmates who previously passed certified training, with the financial support from the German non-governmental organization Help.

Trainings have been organized for a year and a half, with a new cycle launching recently for another 10 inmates, which will help them get a job after they are released from prison, bearing in mind that this is an in-demand occupation.

Immediately after the start of the epidemic, inmates in prisons in Sremska Mitrovica, Nis, Zabela and in the women's prison in Pozarevac began sewing to 6,000 protective masks a day for workers and those incarcerated in prisons throughout the county, to prevent the spread of the virus. This manufacturing has been going on ever since, and has been extended to include protective suits and other items.

Video: Say goodbye to coronavirus: This is a mask that completely kills COVID-19
