Pelemis: Stricter measures should have come earlier, not yet known if we'll extend them on Monday

He believes that no huge result can be expected in five days, but that it can contribute to a slower spread of the virus

Photo: Tanjug/Serbian Government/Slobodan Miljevic

Infectious diseases specialist and member of the Crisis HQ Mijomir Pelemis told RTS that the current epidemiological situation is the result of insufficient respect of Covid prevention measures.

Mijomir Pelemis told RTS that he was not surprised by the increase in the number of new coronavirus cases, because the measures are not really respected.

As he said, it was necessary to make them more strict sooner, as that would have certainly reduced the concentration of the virus, it would have reduced contacts and thus there would have been fewer infections.

Asked whether it is certain that the measures will be extended on Monday, he said that nothing is certain and that it remains to be seen how the infection will spead in the following period.

He believes that no huge result can be expected in five days, but that it can contribute to a slower spread of the virus.

"The biggest problem for us now is that the hospitals are full while healthcare workers are too tired," said Pelemis and stressed that everyone should be given great recognition because those who are constantly with the patients have it the hardest.

He added that we need to do everything to make their job easier and reduce the number of cases.

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