Djokovic included in the main draw for Australian Open

However, that does not mean that he will definitely compete at the first Grand Slam of the season

Photo: Tanjug/AP

The Australian Open has included Novak Djokovic in its official main draw, according to local media, just hours after Tennis Australia denied reports that they were looking for a "loophole" that would allow the world's best player to appear in Melbourne.

Djokovic still has not confirmed whether he has received the Covid vaccine, claiming that it is his personal matter, while the government of the state of Victoria is still steadfast and points out that no player or fan will be allowed to attend the Australian Open without proof of vaccination.

Djokovic will play the ATP Cup in Sydney, which is being held from January 1 to 9, although different rules apply to this city than to Melbourne. However, it was reported on Tuesday that Novak could get a special permit to participate in the ATP Cup if he is not vaccinated - after spending 24 days in quarantine there.

The Australian Open will be played from January 17 to 30, and all the media there write that no one can play without being vaccinated. However, Tennis Australia did not confirm or deny this news at any time.

Novak's father Srdjan recently spoke on this topic, whose words later resonated around the world.

"Well it's like this. As for these vaccines and non-vaccines, personally I think it is everyone's right to decide. No one has the right to enter into that intimacy. Everyone has the right to decide whether to act according to this or that rule. Whether Novak is vaccinated or not is his personal right, whether he will publish it or not, I don't think so, because it is his personal decision. As his father, I don't know that information, and even if I did, I would not share it with you because it is his personal decision. He is 34 years old and has the right to decide about himself and his life as he wishes.

As for going to Australia, it has been unpleasant in the last few weeks with the various announcements by various rulers in the province (state) where Melbourne is located and various other people who gave themselves the right to call out the nine-time champion of the Australian Open, unprovoked. Whether or not he will go there depends on whether they will decide that they want the nine-time champion to come there. Of course, he wants it because he is an athlete and because there are an awful lot of our people there who can't wait for him to come and to see him, and we would like and love that absolutely more than anything, just like our son," Srdjan Djokovic said recently.

Video: We all know that Novak has been learning to play the saxophone for a while: He put on Serbia gear and showed off his skills
