Vesic: Ana Brnabic and Milos Vucevic are great people and experienced politicians

It will not be easy for the president because he is choosing, the party has the best possible opinion about both (PM) candidates - said Vesic

Photo: Tanjug/Tara Radovanovic

SNS Presidency member and MP Goran Vesic said today, ahead of the session of the SNS Presidency at which a decision should be made about the PM-designate, that both Ana Brnabic and Milos Vucevic are good candidates.

Vesic told TV Pink that President Vucic is expected to announce the name of the PM-designate today, and that is precisely why the session of the Presidency was scheduled.

"Last week, President Vucic announced that he is considering suggesting either the current Prime Minister Ana Brnabic or Mayor of Novi Sad and vice president of our party Milos Vucevic for the next PM. As a member of the Presidency and as a colleague and friend of Ana Brnabic and Milos Vucevic, I can say that they are great people and experienced politicians. Ana Brnabic has successfully led the government for six years and in very difficult conditions, especially these last two years," Vesic assessed.

He said that Ana Brnabic has great results behind her, great experience and certainly the support of the party.

"On the other hand, Milos Vucevic is a man who has been in the party for a long time and the person who successfully leads Novi Sad, the second largest city in the country and also has the support of the party's presidency. It will not be easy for the president because he is choosing between two good candidates, we as a party have the best possible opinion about both candidates and I am very happy that the candidate for the PM-designate is from the Serbian Progressive Party. Which was the only logical thing, our party won 120 parliament seats in the last elections, we have the majority together with the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians and the PM-designate should come from our party," said Vesic.

Vesic added that being at the helm of the government requires a high degree of social intelligence, education, an understanding of relationships in the world, the economy as well as social processes, and it is a really complex job.

"So no matter which of the two candidates is selected, the party will be proud to stand behind them," said Vesic.

Asked what the tasks of the future government will be, Vesic says that the first and biggest challenge will be the Russia-Ukraine war, and that Serbia should continue with the policy avoiding that war.

"Serbia will not go to war, we protect ourselves, our economy and peace. We must ensure economic stability, which means enough food, energy and protecting the lives and the standard of the population. There will be many problems and challenges that the new government will face, which at this point we cannot even guess will happen because things will be happening on a daily basis. We are facing the biggest crisis since the end of the Second World War and the new government must be composed of people who are not afraid to work, who are efficient and ready to deal with all the challenges that lie ahead," concluded Vesic.
