Vucic from New York: West prepared new Belgrade-Pristina dialogue "framework," I didn't take that paper

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic was speaking in New York City on Monday

Photo: printscreen

President Vucic is in New York City for the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, which he will address on Wednesday.

He arrived in the US yesterday, and already today started a series of important meetings, of which he will have more than 30.

Vucic on Albanian media and attacks

"Let's say it is about, when (EU's Miroslav) Lajcak was with me, they gave me a paper that I refused to accept, because I had read it. I couldn't memorize four pages, but it didn't come from the Serb side, someone used their (Albanian) media, but I don't know if everything is correct or not. They confirmed everything around 'the new architecture'. I listened to some ideas and I'm a political veteran, that's why I didn't even take that paper and I won't take it because my head hurts. There is no chance of us letting Kosovo join the United Nations. Things are quite clear, they say that Putin has set up a wall, you are on one or the other side, but we are not even next to the wall and that is why we are under pressure. We were not born in a more peaceful place, but in a crossroads."

"Whether we accept the proposals or not, there will be problems. If we don't accept, we will never be able to expel Pristina from the UN again, if that's a small problem, then I don't know what could be bigger? Croats say that we will be isolated, but that is reality and everything has its consequences, like what we lost in 1999 and other years. We have to make a lot of important decisions, not right now regarding Kosovo and Metohija, but we have big plans for the Congress, because they will be looking for answers."

Vucic on the crisis

"I am waiting for them to tell us whether they will let us have electricity or not, it is an important thing for us and I believe that with it we would provide everything for our citizens. Everything points to a shortage of food, they offered us 600 million just to buy our food, but we can't deliver that. That says it all, how hard it is."

"Our unemployment rate is at the lowest level, and it is a big difference compared to before. In January - August the surplus was 0.5 billion, we had more income, we also have expenses due to the energy situation and what we spend buying oil, gas, electricity, etc., which causes us serious problems, but we have stable finances. For now it's uncertain, we are looking at how to strengthen everything we can. I don't see a chance for us to get away from it, people will get wages higher than the inflation. The question is, can the state preserve everything?," said Vucic.

The whole world is in New York

"The whole world is here, 150 either kings, presidents, or prime ministers," President Vucic began.

"When many people see that a speech is not in a language they understand, they are much less likely to listen," said Vucic and added that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will speak at around 6 pm, and that his own address will then follow.

He said the point is not how he will present it, but what he will present.

"I will talk about five points," said Vucic and added that his job is to work for his country and not for someone else.

"This is how we have always worked and this is how we have preserved the freedom-loving spirit of our country." stressed Vucic.

President Vucic is participating in the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York and will address the General Debate of World Leaders on September 21.

Earlier today, Vucic met with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, co-chair of the Serbian Caucus in US Congress, and will have more than 30 meetings with foreign officials during his stay in New York.
