Procedure to declare Divcibare a natural asset of the second category has been initiated

It has been stated that the wetlands in Divcibare are important for conservation at the national and international level

Photo: Shutterstock

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has initiated the procedure to protect a part of Divcibare as a natural habitat. The information published on the official website states that Divcibare will be a protected natural area of the second category.

Divcibare is located in the central part of the Maljen Mountain in western Serbia, and administratively the resort belongs to the territory of the City of Valjevo.

It is stated that the space proposed for protection is part of a large mountain area and that it is the remnant of the former Great Divcibare Bog (Serbian: Velika Divcibarska Tresava), which today has been reduced to a narrow area in the vicinity of the tourist center.

It is added that from the point of view of the needs and goals to protect nature, the wetlands in Divcibare are important for conservation at the national and international level.

The plan is to protect more than 50 hectares, of which more than half is owned by state and public entities. The study on the protection of this area has been submitted by the Institute of Nature Protection of Serbia.
