Did Novak refer to Nadal here? "This is my message to everyone who thinks I'm faking injury"

Djokovic was brutal both on the court, and at the new conference with some of his answers

Photo: MARTIN BUREAU / AFP / Profimedia

Novak Djokovic held a rather interesting press conference, where he openly talked about his injury, the treatments he has had, which had a positive effect on his body, and in one answer he touched on those who suspect that he is faking.

Novak stressed the hypocrisy of many who doubt only his injuries, but when some other players get injured and it affects their game, then they are the victim, while he is a fake.

It is clear that with this Novak was referring to Rafael Nadal, who suffered an injury a year ago at the Australian Open, but managed to win the title. Also, it was the same at the French Open when he had a foot injury, but also won that tournament.

"I leave that to them, let them continue to doubt. It's interesting that only my injuries are suspected, but when other players get injured and it affects them, then they are the victims and I'm pretending. I don't feel like I have anything to prove to anyone.

I have the MRI and ultrasound results that will prove it, whether I will publish it in the documentary, I don't know, maybe, maybe I won't.

I am absolutely not interested in what people think, the narrative that continues differently than when it comes to some other players is amusing to me. I'm used to facing that, it motivates me and it gives me extra strength," Djokovic said.

Video: Djokovic went through Golgotha in Australia a year ago, and now they love him again: A chronology of torment

(Telegraf's reporter in Melbourne, Milos Becagovic)