Vucic: I'm only interested in election process finishing as soon as possible

D. R.
Vreme čitanja: oko 1 min.

Vucic also said that Belgrade is developing and that many national projects are in the pipeline

Printscreen: RTS

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said today that he does not follow statements made by politicians, but is only interested in the election process finishing as soon as possible. He told journalists in Backi Breg that in Serbia, one becomes "in style" quickly, but that it takes three, four, six months - now it's the coalition "Serbia Against Violence," before that it was Dinkic, before him someone else.

Vucic also said that Belgrade is developing and that many national projects are in the pipeline.

"The metro, the trains, Belgrade is progressing very quickly. I took a ride through Belgrade Waterfront last night, it looks wonderful, all the hotels are full, there are a lot of tourists and there will be even more. What some politicians will say to waste people's time, that's their business," Vucic said.

When asked how he evaluates "Solak's campaign" he said that this type of lies is no longer acceptable.

"They hate people who think differently. For three hours, they were attacking the police, pounding the building, and then said that it was done by 'outside elements'. And then they realized that it was Aleksic and Zelenovic," Vucic said of a violent protest in Belgrade on Sunday night.

He added that nowhere in the world does the president of a party ask for the release of a police detainee.

"Where does the president of a party have the right to visit a detainee when they feel like it. They know how to submit a request. With whom do you want to negotiate, with the prosecutor? Well, that's illegal, with the judges - that's illegal, what are you talking about. And the most ridiculous thing is, when they gather, they call out someone else for being a thief," said Vucic.
