Tema: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jasmina couldn't find work as a professor, so she rolled her sleeves and she started doing agriculture: The business is flourishing, and her products are without pesticides and poisons (PHOTO)

THE MEETING OF VUCIC, ERDOGAN, AND IZETBEGOVIC: The relationship of Serbia and Bosniaks in focus (PHOTO)

The Bosniak, for whom Srdjan Aleksic gave his life, now has children and he is teaching them to be like this brave lad: The memory lives for 25 years (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

A happy ending of a story of a baby which was found in a garbage container the last day of 2017: The mother left her in garbage, and she got a new home now

ALL DISPUTED SERBIAN BORDERS: Either solve them or no membership - statement from the European Union

Serious internet and games addicts ended up on psychiatry department in Tuzla: One patient was constantly on the internet for one year, he didn't leave the house

Canadian soldier found a boy from Bosnia whom he met during the war: He was thinking about him for 24 years, watching the photo of them together (PHOTO)

Boskovici don't have water in the 21st century: They gather rainwater by putting barrels under the gutter, and the children get sick all the time (VIDEO)

Hero of a great heart beaten on this day 25 years ago: Srdjan Aleksic gave his life for his Bosniak friend (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

A difficult life story of little Aleksa (5): He is eager for parent's love, he gathers paper with his grandma and deaf-mute cousin in order to survive (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Nice and warm picture from Bosnia: Whoever is hungry can eat in the steakhouse, and they don't have to pay (PHOTO)

Earthquake in the middle of the night: It shook Bosnia and Herzegovina and it was felt in Croatia

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