Tema: terrorist attack

Why is the terrorist from NZ fascinated with Serbia and its heroes? The entire world has been digging through the open wounds of Balkans (PHOTO)

"I will Balkanize the US and ensure that NATO isn't on Muslim side like it is on Kosovo": The terrorist murdered 49 people and he announced vengeance for the death of thousands of Christians

This tragedy is sending a strong message that we must be united before the cruelty of terrorism: Vucic send condolences to the governor of New Zealand

The murderer from New Zealand wrote the names of Serbian heroes: Milos Obilic, Bajo Pivljanin... (PHOTO)

A terrorist was preparing for slaughter with the song about Karadzic: One minute before massacring 49 people, he was listening to the Chetnik song (VIDEO)

(FIRST PHOTOS AND VIDEOS) Albanians are beating Serbs with batons in front of women and children:

Terrorists planned to attack the parade and the march of "Immortal Regiment" which was led by Putin and Vucic. Russian services prevented the massacre

The brain of ISIS arrested in Sarajevo and extradited to America: Kandic is one of the most wanted terrorists in the world

Amer is a jihadist from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and fought in Syria with his SEVEN BROTHERS AND SISTERS: His men are now fleeing the hell of war

Fighter of Islamic State tried to enter Bosnia: It is believed that he planned a terrorist attack

Vucic expressed his condolences over the attack in Barcelona

(DISTURBING VIDEO) Serbian Dijana avoided the massacre in Barcelona and made a terrible video! The dismembered bodies lie everywhere

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