HE WAS THE TOUGHEST GUY IN FORMER YUGOSLAVIA: What he said about nationalism shows how HATE is a stupid thing ! ( VIDEO )

In a few words he explained the essence of savage nationalism and the hatred that tore apart millions of lives in the nineties, and before that, in the forties

In Yugoslavia, there were two men with whom nobody would mess with. One was Tito , and the other, Mate Parlov .

He was the strongest Yugoslav. And not only that. Men wanted to be him, women wanted to be with him. As an athlete, he was perfect. As a man, he was the embodiment of what it meant to be Yugoslav - a fan of pubs, lover of life, songs, poetry, people ...

As a boxer, he was the best in the world. At the height of his career he was invincible, literally. As a street fighter - he never proved himself. Those who have practiced martial skills knew they would not last a second with the champion, and those who would dare him ... He just turned his head with a smile.

- When I was younger, I thought a house could fall on me, and nothing would happen. I had a temper, I wanted to settle issues by force. Until 1970 I was not defeated, when I got knocked out by a German. After that defeat I became grounded. I realized: it is not less important to know when to back off than hit. Then I gained patience, I knew to wait and when to strike. It was the only knockout that I suffered in my career. After him I became champion. I became invincible -Parlov said in an interview.

DE PUTA MADRE: This is the most incredible man who has ever set foot in Belgrade!

Mate Parlov was born three years after the Great War, in 1948, in Split. He died in Pula, seven years ago. According to experts, he was the best Yugoslavian boxer in history, and one of the most dominant fighters in the world.

The career of a champion

As an amateur , he had 310 matches and was defeated (in points) only 12 times . He experienced the knockout that changed his life . He was a champion of Yugoslavia in the light heavyweight category eight times (1967-1974), a five time champion of the Balkans ( 1971-1974 . ), two times a European champion (1971 and 1973) and world champion, in Cuba in 1974. He was an Olympic Champion in 1972 in Munich. In the final, he knocked out a Cuban. Who knows boxing, knows what this means.

After the amazing amateur career , he achieved 24 victories (with three losses) in the pro ring. He became the first Yugoslav professional world champion in 1978. His last contact with the boxing was in 1984, as the national team representative at the Olympics in Los Angeles. His boxers have won the most medals in history - gold, silver and two bronze . Who knows boxing, knows that this is an incredible success.

This is why we loved him

In the hearts of Yugoslavs he remained for all time and for this one occasion, when he was a pro, he learned that YRT (Yugoslav Radio Television) had no money to pay for the broadcast of his match. The people, whose hero he was, grieved. Mate said "okay ", and paid the whole amount the following day. Out of pocket. And the whole of Yugoslavia watched the fight, and cheered.

After his career, he opened a pub "Mate" in Pula. He enjoyed life and spent time with good people. Much like he demolished opponents in the ring, he tore down all prejudices someone could have about boxers. He was mannered , cultured , educated (he graduated in economics and progressed to the last exam in his postgraduate studies) a man of world stature and world views. At the same time, he was a man with a wide soul, who liked to be cheerful in a bar, to sing, to break glasses ...

Only he broke glasses with his grip.

This is the first commercial in Yugoslavia: Here's what sexy Natalia and Milica are doing in their bathing suits (VIDEO)

Here's what he said about Paspalj

When asked about his smoking vice, Parlov made it clear that he began smoking after his boxing career. When asked about athletes who were great, and smokers, such as Zarko Paspalj, Blaz Sliskovic and Robert Prosinecki, he said: "These are all players in team sports. When he runs out of breath, someone else can receive the ball. For me there was no one to take the hit."

Here's why he was the largest

When asked about the sport and his desire to be the best, he said something that should be read by anyone who intends on engaging in any sports - wrestling or chess: "Geared by the desire to succeed in the things which I felt I was good in. Like some Promethean fire, I had the will to achieve high goals. As soon as I went into it, I had to to be the best. Had I not had perseverance, I would have never reached my peak."

His strength and skills, which could easily degrade the "hardest" of "Tough guys" which were born in large quantities throughout Yugoslavia, he never abused: "I was never aggressive. Although I was fierce. I did not fight since elementary school. I had no issues outside the ring. I did not ask for them. There were all sorts guys with complexes. They wanted to prove to the man who had won some titles. But this is to be avoided. I would turn to the side or move on to another story. "

Here's why he is immortal

All sports successes of Mate Parlov, everything he ever did in the ring, everything he did for the Yugoslavs, however, would not be enough to get him on the list of "immortals". This was done by one of his statements, after his boxing career. When asked about whether he was a nationalist, he said: "How can I be a nationalist if I am a world champion? Many do not understand this. They were not champions, and often did not manage to win over themselves. The world has admired my results. Everyone accepted me as their own, and black and white. I met the world, and I can not be anything but cosmopolitan. "

The strongest man in the world lived in Belgrade: Nobody can believe that a human being can be so powerful! (PHOTO)

In a few words he explained the essence of savage nationalism and the hatred that tore apart millions of lives in the nineties, and prior to that, in the forties: His main proponents were people who have never achieved anything in their lives, nor did they have the capacity to achieve. The unfinished human beings, weak minds and a weak body, unable to create,but also, that are capable of destroying.

And here is what inspired him

Mate enjoyed poetry since childhood. He loved Branko Radicevic, Lazar Kostic, Petar Preradovic ... But his favorite poet was the great Tin Ujevic. And these are Mats favorite verses, with which we finish the story about him. And the verse that best describes what he left behind.

"I'm over the passions, even bitter spite .

I've surpassed the rage for treachery .

Naively I'm amazed by vandalism.

I'm getting younger. World, I am your descendant!"
