TESLA'S REAL NAME IS NURUDDIN TESIHOVIC: This nonsense was released by a Sarajevo portal!

This unverified information is based on the DNA test that was researched at the University of Baltimore, and represents another in a series of scandalous statements in connection with Tesla's origin

After the Sandzak Mufti Muamer Zukorlic said that the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla converted to Islam prior to his death, it came turn for the Americans. Scientists at the University in Baltimore claim that they allegedly possess a document that proves Tesla's Muslim background, at least that's what Bosnian media claim.

This outrageous claim is one in a series related to the famous scientist, and as stated on the website sarajevo365, his real name was Nuruddin Tesihovic.

Apparently, they were originally from Vogosca, Sarajevo.

Congress "Nikola Tesla: The History of the Future"

- His mother's name was Meira, and his father's Shaban, and they were originally from Vogosca, Sarajevo - claims Bill Jones, a leading scientist from this prestigious university.

This unverified information is based on the DNA test that was researched at the University of Baltimore, explain Bosnian journalists.

Also, the University of Istanbul came to the data that Nuruddin Tesihovic or Nikola Tesla has taken part in Hajj three times, and his neighbors, according to some sources have witnessed his "salat" on several instances.

This is just another in a series of attempts to impose a new Tesla origin.
