Cadez: Serbia and Bulgaria have a lot together

The economies of Bulgaria and Serbia have all the prerequisites to co-operate well as the two countries share good neighborly relations, proximity of markets, and participation and joint activities in many bilateral and regional initiatives, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Marko Cadez said Tuesday

“We also share the European orientation and we find Bulgaria’s experience on the road to the EU quite valuable,” Cadez told a Serbia-Bulgaria business forum at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

Cadez said he saw prospects for long-term cooperation in the areas of energy, transport, agriculture, furniture manufacturing, ceramics, tourism and construction.

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Cadez said realization of projects in the fields of energy and transport was particularly important.

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Serbian and Bulgarian businessmen are showing increasing interest in improving cooperation, which could be seen from joint meetings held last year, he added.

The business forum is organized by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the joint Bulgarian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

( Tanjug)