SCANDAL AT THE HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM: Lector answered the test for the students, police are checking everyone out?!

The prosecution's request followed the publication of this information on the site "Novosti". Upon receipt of all necessary data, a decision will be made whether there are grounds for an investigation and against whom

The Bureau of the Crime Police of the Republic of Serbia's Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has sent a request to collect the necessary information to determine that if, during the testing of the high school entrance exam, everything was done according to the regulations or not, as claimed by some parents.

Students massively leaving secondary schools in Kosovo!

The prosecution's request followed the publication of this information, after obtaining all necessary data, a decision will be made whether there are grounds for an investigation, and against whom.

As we found out, this unusual situation occurred during the entrance exam for bilingual classes of French and Italian on May 30th.


At the time while candidates were being tested in French language, a proofreader for the French Language entered the classroom and in the middle of the test picked up the papers and took them away from the classroom for 10 minutes. Later, all the students in that classroom were awarded maximum points.

Professor Andrijana Kojic wrote an official note on this event and submitted it to the director of the High School Dragana Vasic and the Ministry of Education.

WHY WERE WE NOT TAUGHT THIS IN SCHOOL? A petition for Archibald Reiss' book to become a part of the school curriculum!

However, as stated by our sources, that day, the director in consultation with the supervisor and a representative of the Ministry, declared that all the candidates in that classroom passed the test with the maximum number of points. Some parents reacted to this decision, holding that the entrance exam was irregular.

For now there is no response from the Ministry of Education on these complaints. The director of the High School Dragana Vasic told us she did not want to make a statement over the phone, and only shortly added that there was no problem with the entrance exam.

( Večernje novosti)