Antic: Glass factory should pay for energy or halt production

Energy Minister Aleksandar Antic urged on Thursday owners and senior managers of Paracin-based Serbian Glass Factory to start meeting its liabilities, or the delivery of energy generating products will be cancelled and they would have to halt the production

The Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) informed Serbian Glass Factory that it will stop delivering the electricity on July 17 due to accumulated debts. On the other hand, the plant's management warned the local staff and emergency situations sector of a possible environmental disaster in that factory and town if this happens.

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Minister Antic told a news conference at the Serbian government that “the owner of the factory, Bulgaria's controversial tycoon, does not take care about the company, and manipulates circumstances, so the factory's 835 workers are actually his means”.

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They owe RSD 1.868 billion for gas deliveries, and RSD 250 million for electricity, Antic said, adding that Serbian Glass Factory has not paid a single dinar this year.

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Antic said that the factory must sign a contract on the supply of energy-generating products and rescheduling of debts, and start meeting its liabilities or prepare for a safe halt in production facilities, in line with the procedure.

“The failure to settle debts for energy-generating products will not be tolerated anymore,” the energy minister said.

( Tanjug)