ENRAGED PIT-BULL SLEW THREE DOGS: He went respectively into yards

If the owner is found, he can face charges because the dog was left unattended to roam the streets

An enraged pit-bull made a havoc yesterday in the town of Prokuplje because he slew three dogs in Takovska street in one of the ares of the town.

A Belgrade man thought of a way everyone would love pit bulls! Here is what he did (PHOTO)

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It was captured after two hours, and the people testify that he was going from a yard to a yard, attack the dogs and slay them.

The first dog he slew was an American Stafford.

- I heard barking and yowling and went out to have a look. I could not believe my eyes. A dog all in blood was slaying my dog. There was blood everywhere so we called the police and they managed to get him after an hour and a half. It was a lucky thing that it was almost night and that no kid was on the street - says Miomir Aleksić whose dog was attacked by the pit-bull.

He adds that he does not know the dog nor its owner.

Employees of the City disposal company took the dog as well as the bodies of other dogs and drove them to the dog pound.

The chip on the pit-bull will show the owner, and if that person does not come to take the dog, it will be put to sleep because it deems aggressive.

The dog will also be tested on rabies.

If the owner is found, he can face charges because the dog was left unattended to roam the streets.

The president of the local society for the animal protection "The Paw", Biljana Vučetić, said that it was the irresponsibility of the owner, who let the dog get away, or he even let him go.

- Situation like this should not be happening, and there are many irresponsible owners who treat their pets like this - she commented.

There is a problem in the town of Prokuplje with the street dogs, as well as with the irresponsible owners who let their pets roam the streets.

No one has yet stopped this.
