MONTENEGRO SEARCHES FOR 14.000 WORKERS: Wages are up to 1.500 EUROS, but that's not all!

The most popular ones, when it comes to fast employment and good wage, are the jobs for well trained and highly qualified workers: cook, baker, butcher...

Employers have registered 20.015 free work places in Montenegro this year, and 18.316 is during season time. 

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More than half, around 60%, is in coastal municipalities. Most jobs are in tourism and hospitality services, administrative and auxiliary service industries and in trade and retail, wrote Vikend papers.

As the job said, most of the jobs are in season time, and they are work arrangements during the season, and the way they are, their time is limited.

- But, from experience in working with unemployed and employers we know that significant number of people continues to work after the season is over. It is known that the number of employers is growing, new hotels, restaurants are opened and that means more open work places. Although there are tendencies to extend the tourist season from six to eight months, significant number of catering facilities is working whole year long, and that means hiring more competent people to follow continues work of the object - said from the Employment Service.

The least interest is in agriculture. Conditions are hard and because of the high temperatures and working on the open, people from Montenegro chose to work on the coast. On seasonal jobs, via Employment service, more than 6.000 domestic workers were hired.

Ministry of internal affairs issued 7.465 work permits to foreign nationals. The biggest number of seasonal workers is employed in hotels, as waiters, cooks, help, side cooks, maids, cleaners of public space...

The most popular ones, when it comes to fast employment and good wage, are the jobs for well trained and highly qualified workers: cook, baker, butcher...

Significant number of unemployed expressed interest in working as a receptionist, in administration, in jobs for supply and commercial and those are the jobs that people are always willing to work.

The wages differ on seasonal jobs and depend on multiple factors, above all, what job it is about. Certain cooks have wage of 1.500 euro and they make more than waiters, pizza masters, bakers, confectioners,and yet again, the other make more than help workers in tourism and hospitality/

Earnings are different from employer to employer. Some offer maids from 200 euros, with provided food and accommodation, and there are those who give 400 euros with 3 means a day and accommodation. 

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