DR Dusko Knezevic to receive leadership award at the Center for Transatlantic relations sais Johns Hopkins, Washington D.C.

Dr Knezevic will represent Montenegro at the panel on the Western Balkans and attend the award ceremony

President of Atlas Group and Mediterranean University,  Dr Dusko Knezevic  is elected  by the Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS Johns Hopkins - Mediterranean Basin initiative to be one of the several distinguished "SAIS Mediterranean Leadership Award 2016", a recognition given to prominent political, business, and academic leaders from the countries of the larger Mediterranean and the United States.

Dusko Knezevic with former President of the USA: A "Clinton Global Initiative" meeting in New York

The Center for Transatlantic Relations in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is co-organizing annual Transatlantic Economic Forum on December 5 and 6 in Washington D.C. where Dr Knezevic will represent Montenegro at the panel on the Western Balkans and attend the award ceremony where he  will be bestowed with this recognition.  Among the participants of the forum in Washingron DC are also  Prime Ministers from Bosnia and Hercegovina, Fadil Novalic and Zeljka Cvijanovic, as well as Michael Haltzel former senior foreign policy adviser to U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden.

Recent SAIS Mediterranean Leadership Award recipients include: Jeanne Shaeen (US Senator), Robert Aderholt (US Congressman), Beji Essebsi (President of Tunisia), Muhamed Al-Mugariaf (first GNC president of Libya), Rifat Hisarciklioglu, President of TOBB (Turkey).

Dr Knezevic has been recognized with the award for his social commitments in education and philanthropy, for his contribution in  strengthening positive forces of interdependence in Western Balkans, as well as for promoting transatlantic relations and values through cooperation in the region.

The Center for Transatlantic Relations engages international scholars, students, government officials, parliamentarians, journalists, business executives and other opinion leaders on contemporary challenges facing Europe and North America. The goal of the Center is to strengthen and reorient transatlantic relations to the dynamics of a globalizing world. It is an integral part of the Johns Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), one of America's leading graduate schools devoted to the study of international relations.
