Kadri Veseli to appear at the Hague for a hearing on December 4

The Kosovo specialist war crimes prosecutor's office has interviewed hundreds of persons since November last year

Foto: Profimedia/Abaca Press

DPK leader and former presindent of the Pristina assembly, Kadri Veseli, has announced that he had received an invitation to apprear for a hearing before the Specialst Court. He made the announcement during a news conference on Thursday.

He said he will travel to The Hague on December 4, KTV is reporting.

Earlier, there was speculation among the Kosovo public that Veseli had already been been questioned in Ljubljana, with these allegations made by former members of the Kosovo Assembly Milaim Zeka and Rada Trajkovic, KoSSev reports.

The Kosovo specialist war crimes prosecutor's office has interviewed hundreds of persons from November last year until today.
